About us

HEART + WOOD = HEARTWOOD. O selectie cool de mobilier vintage, obiecte pur si simplu frumoase si alte descoperiri fabuloase.

Cum o spune si numele, totul a plecat de la dragostea noastra pentru mobilierul din lemn. Mobilierul din lemn vechi, antic, retro sau vintage, si pentru modul in care acesta poate fi salvat si refolosit in interioarele noastre contemporane uneori cu o valoare estetica adaugata incomparabila cu optiunile moderne.

In magazinul nostru virtual nu ne-am oprit insa doar la obiecte de mobilier din lemn. Obiecte din ceramica, portelan, textile pentru casa, obiecte decorative din bronz si alama, alese cu grija pentru interioarele eclectice pe care ni le imaginam, ne sunt la fel de dragi.

Le culegem si le alegem din lung si-n lat, uneori le reparam si le restauram, alteori le pastram defectele daca ni se pare ca fara acestea farmecul obiectului n-ar mai fi acelasi si prin Heartwood ne dorim ca ele sa-si continue calatoria si povestea. In casele voastre, in povestea voastra.



HEART + WOOD = HEARTWOOD. A cool selection of vintage furniture, simply beautiful objects and other fabulous finds.

As the name says, everything begun with our love for vintage wooden furniture; old, antique, retro or vintage wood furniture, and how it can be saved and reused in our contemporary interiors, often with an added aesthetic value that is incomparable to modern options.

Nevertheless, in our virtual shop (and brick and mortar shop as well) we have gone further. Ceramic, porcelain, home textiles, decorative items, carefully chosen for the eclectic interiors we imagine, are equally dear to us.

We pick and choose them from long and wide, sometimes we repair and restore them, sometimes we keep their flaws if we believe that without them the charm of the object would not be the same and through Heartwood we want them to continue their journey and their story. In your home, in your story.