Terms and Conditions
Vizitarea si folosirea site-ului www.heartwood.ro sau comandarea produselor vizualizate pe site-ul www.heartwood.ro implica acceptarea Conditiilor de utilizare ce vor fi detaliate mai jos. Pentru folosirea in bune conditii a site-ului, se recomanda citirea cu atentie a Termenilor si Conditiilor.
WWW.HEARTWOOD.RO este administrat de SC HEARTWOOD SRL, inregistrata la Registrul Comertului cu nr J40/2834/2012, CUI 29906879, avand sediul principal in Bucuresti, str. Frunte Lata Nr. 5, Bl. P15, Sc. 1, Ap. 35, Sector 5, punct de lucru, strada Popa Nan 82, cladirea Conglomerat, etaj 2.
Ne rezervam dreptul de a efectua modificari ale acestor Termeni si Conditii precum si orice modificari site-ului www.heartwood.ro fara o notificare prealabila. Accesand pagina Termeni si Conditii, puteti citi intotdeauna cea mai recenta versiune a acestor prevederi.
Obligatiile dumneavoastra de inregistrare
Pentru a putea cumpara de pe www.heartwood.ro, trebuie sa introduceti datele dumneavoastra pe website-ul nostru.
In utilizarea serviciului, declarati ca veti furniza informatii reale, corecte, actuale si complete despre dumneavoastra.
In situatia in care consideram ca aceasta obligatie a fost incalcata, ne rezervam dreptul de a va bloca accesul la utilizarea serviciului, pe perioada determinata sau nedeterminata, fara nicio notificare prealabila.
Pret si modalitati de plata
Cota TVA 0%.
Pretul de achizitie prezentat pe factura va fi acelasi cu cel prezentat pe site la momentul achizitiei, pret la care se adauga si costurile de livrare.
Plata produselor se efectueaza in numerar, la livrarea produsului, prin virament bancar dupa plasarea comenzii online sau prin card de credit/debit la plasarea comenzii online.
Informatii privitoare la livrare
Termenul de livrare este de maxim 7 zile lucratoare, socotit de la data preluarii comenzii dumneavoastra in cazul in care optati pentru plata in numerar la livrarea produsului. In cazul in care optati pentru plata prin virament bancar sau prin card de debit/credit, termenul de livrare este de maxim 7 zile lucratoare, socotit de la data incasarii pretului si contravalorii transportului in contul SC HEARTWOOD SRL. Acest termen poate fi modificat din motive independente de vointa noastra.
Taxele de livrare sunt calculate cu taxa pe valoare adaugata (TVA) inclus si sunt comunicate vizibil in formularul de comanda in pasul anterior finalizarii acesteia.
Livrarea se face de catre o societate de curierat (FAN CURIER), la adresa de livrare indicata de dvs. la crearea contului pe site-ul www.heartwood.ro, sau cea indicata de dvs inainte de a confirma comanda.
In cazul in care doriti sa specificati anumite aspecte referitoare la livrare cum ar fi: ora de livrare, adresa sau puncte de reper, va rugam sa introduceti in casuta de observatii aceste aspecte inainte de finalizarea comenzii.
In ziua in care coletul cu comanda dumneavoastra va fi expediat, veti fi instiintat prin e-mail sau telefonic de catre noi.
Coletul poate fi preluat de orice membru al familiei.
Produsele se livreaza in limita stocului disponibil. In cazul in care unul sau mai multe dintre produsele comandate nu se mai afla pe stoc veti fi instiintat in acest sens. In unele cazuri, produsul comandat poate fi inlocuit cu unul asemanator daca dumneavoastra doriti si sunteti de acord cu acest lucru.
Raspunderea pentru orice deteriorare cauzata produsului, coletului sau pachetului trimis de catre noi, revine societatii de curierat sau transportatorului conform legislatiei in vigoare. Produsele vor fi inlocuite daca este posibil sau valoarea platita va fi rambursata de catre noi daca se va face dovada culpei curierului si vom fi instiintati in termen de 24 ore de la primirea coletului.
Drepturile de autor (Copyright)
Intregul continut al site-ului www.heartwood.ro, incluzand, texte, imagini, grafice, elemente de grafica web, scripturi si orice alte date, este proprietatea S.C. HEARTWOOD S.R.L sau a furnizorilor sai si este protejat conform Legii drepturilor de autor si legilor privind dreptul de proprietate intelectuala si industriala. Folosirea fara acordul scris a oricaror elemente de pe site-ul www.heartwood.ro, sau a oricaror elemente enumerate mai sus se pedepseste conform legilor in vigoare. Pentru a reclama drepturile de proprietate intelectuala puteti folosi adresa de mail shop@heartwood.ro.
Responsabilitati privind produsele
S.C. HEARTWOOD S.R.L nu isi asuma responsabilitatea si nu poate fi facuta responsabila pentru orice pagube aparute prin folosirea produselor achizitionate prin intermediul acestui site, in alte scopuri decat cele mentionate de producator. Returnarea produselor se poate efectua in conformitate cu dispozitiile OG 130/2000, iar pentru mai multe detalii va rugam sa vizitati sectiunea “Livrare & Retur “
Produsele comercializate de SC HEARTWOOD SRL prin www.heartwood.ro, sunt de cele mai multe ori "second hand", fiind utilizate anterior.
Pentru ca dvs. sa puteti evalua mai bine, la momentul alegerii, starea produselor, am definit cateva praguri ale conditiei in care s-ar putea afla produsul:
Impecabila: acest produs vintage este in starea sa originala. Nu are defecte si nu a fost restaurat.
Foarte buna: acest produs vintage este complet functional dar se pot observa usoare urme ale utilizarii anterioare.
Buna: Acest produs vintage este complet functional dar se pot observa urme ale vechimii sale, in mod sepcial, mici zgarieturi, finisaj decolorat, defecte minimale ale tapiteriei sau reparatii vizibile.
Uzata: acest produs vintage are defecte vizibile, defecte sau mici parti care lipsesc. Ar putea fi necesara restaurare sa.
Restaurata: Acest produs vintage este intr-o stare foarte buna pentru ca a fost restaurat (tapierie si/sau finisajul)
Prin folosirea si vizualizarea site-ului www.heartwood.ro sau cumpararea produselor de pe acest site, utilizatorul a luat la cunostinta asupra faptului ca legile romane vor guverna Termenii si Conditiile de mai sus si orice disputa de orice fel care ar putea sa apara intre utilizator si S.C. HEARTWOOD S.R.L. In cazul unor eventuale conflicte intre S.C. HEARTWOOD S.R.L. si clientii sai, se va incerca mai intai rezolvarea acestora pe cale amiabila in minim 30 de zile lucratoare.
Daca rezolvarea pe cale amiabila nu va fi posibila, conflictul va fi solutionat in instanta competenta in conformitate cu legile romane in vigoare.
Daca oricare dintre clauzele de mai sus va fi gasita nula sau nevalida, indiferent de cauza, aceasta nu va afecta valabilitatea celorlalte clauze. Odata cu lansarea comenzii, clientul accepta fara obiectiuni Conditiile si termenii de utilizare, valoarea acestora fiind aceeasi cu un contract valabil incheiat.
Fiind de acord cu acesti Termeni si Conditii clientul isi isi asuma in totalitate drepturile si obligatiile ce decurg din cumpararea din magazinul virtual www.heartwood.ro
Visiting and using the www.heartwood.ro site or ordering products viewed on www.heartwood.ro implies acceptance of the Terms of Use, which will be detailed below.
For good use of the site, it is recommended to carefully read the Terms and Conditions.
WWW.HEARTWOOD.RO is managed by SC HEARTWOOD SRL, registered with the Trade Registry under No. J40 / 2834/2012, CUI 29906879, headquartered in Bucharest, Frunte Lata Str. 5, Bl. P15, Sc. 1, Ap. 35, District 5, work point, Popa Nan street 82, Conglomerate building, 2nd floor.
We reserve the right to make changes to these Terms and Conditions of www.heartwood.ro site without prior notice. By accessing the Terms and Conditions page, you can always read the most recent version of these terms.
Your registration obligations
To be able to buy from www.heartwood.ro, you need to enter your data on our website.In using the service, you declare that you will provide real, accurate, current and complete information about you.
If we believe that this obligation has been breached, we reserve the right to block your access to the use of the service, for a fixed or indefinite period, without any prior notice.
Price and payment methods
VAT rate 0%.
The purchase price presented on the invoice will be the same as the one presented on the site at the time of the purchase, plus the delivery costs.
Payment of the products is made in cash, upon delivery of the product, by bank transfer after placement of the order online or by credit / debit card when ordering online.
Delivery Information
Delivery time is up to 7 business days from the date of your order receipt if you opt for cash payment upon delivery of the product.
In case you choose to pay by bank transfer or by debit / credit card, the delivery term is up to 7 working days, calculated from the date of the payment of the price and the amount of the transportation in the account of SC HEARTWOOD SRL.
This term can be changed for reasons beyond our control.
The delivery charges are calculated with the VAT (VAT) included and are communicated visibly to the order form in the step preceding its completion.
The delivery is made by a courier company (FAN CURIER) at the delivery address indicated by you when creating your account on www.heartwood.ro or the one indicated by you before confirming your order. In case you want to specify certain delivery issues such as delivery time, address or landmarks, please enter these in the comments box before completing the order.
The day your parcel will be shipped, you will be notified by e-mail or by phone.
The package can be taken over by any family member.
The products are delivered within the stock limit. If one or more of the products ordered is no longer in stock you will be notified. In some cases, the ordered product can be replaced with a similar one if you want and agree with it.
The liability for any damage to the product, parcel or package sent by us is the responsibility of the courier company or the carrier in accordance with the legislation in force. The products will be replaced if it is possible or the paid amount will be refunded by us if proof of the fault of the courier is made and we will be notified within 24 hours of receipt of the package.
Copyright (Copyright)
The entire content of www.heartwood.ro, including texts, images, graphics, web graphics, scripts and any other data, is the property of S.C. HEARTWOOD S.R.L or its suppliers and is protected under the Copyright and Intellectual Property Law. The use without written consent of any items on the www.heartwood.ro site or any of the items listed above is punishable under the laws in force. To claim intellectual property rights, you can use shop@heartwood.ro.
Product Responsibilities
SC HEARTWOOD S.R.L takes no responsibility and can not be held responsible for any damage arising from the use of products purchased through this site for purposes other than those specified by the manufacturer.
Product returns can be made in accordance with OG 130/2000 and for more details please visit the "Delivery & Return".
The products marketed by SC HEARTWOOD SRL through www.heartwood.ro are mostly "second hand", being used previously.
In order for you to be able to better assess the status of the products at the time of selection, we have defined several thresholds for the condition in which the product may be:
Impeccable: this vintage product is in its original condition. It has no defects and has not been restored.
Very good: this vintage product is fully functional but you can see slight traces of previous use.
Good: This vintage product is fully functional but you can notice traces of its age, in particular small scratches, discolored finishing, minimal tapestry defects or visible repairs.
Worn: This vintage product has visible defects or small missing parts. It may be necessary to restore it.
Restored: This vintage product is in a good condition because it has been restored (tapestry and / or finish)
By using and viewing the www.heartwood.ro site or buying products on this site, the user has acknowledged that the Romanian laws will govern the Terms and Conditions above and any dispute of any kind that may arise between user and SC HEARTWOOD S.R.L. In the event of any conflict between S.C. HEARTWOOD S.R.L. and its clients, will first try to solve them amicably in at least 30 business days.
If amicable settlement will not be possible, the conflict will be settled in the competent court in accordance with the applicable Romanian laws.
If any of the above clauses are found to be null or void, irrespective of the cause, this will not affect the validity of the other clauses. Once the order is launched, the customer accepts without objection the Terms and Conditions of Use, the value of which is the same as a valid contract.
By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, the client fully assumes the rights and obligations arising from the purchase from the virtual store www.heartwood.ro